Oh, give us more, Biebsy!
We hate having to wait, but Justin Bieber is going to make us do just that.
But at least he's giving us a taste of the sweet nectar he's been brewing as he recently released a video of himself singing the first line of his highly anticipated single Heartbreaker!!
The Biebs started the madness by posting a message on Twitter:
yeah i just did that. http://t.co/wqHV8QUi3w
- Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) July 19, 2013
He had added a video on Instagram along with another message that made our day! He revealed:
"Me singing first line of #heartbreaker"
And let us just tell you, it's Bieberrific!
But don't take our word for it. Ch-ch-check it out ...AFTER THE JUMP!!!
What do U think about it so far??
Tags: gifs, heartbreaker, instagram, justin bieber, music, music minute, new music, new song, single, song, the biebs, twitter
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